Why Iā€™m Running for

State Senate

I bring a wealth of experience to my bid for the Washington State Senate. Having grown up in Thurston County, my journey from a graduate of Tumwater High School to the CEO of a Tribal Government Corporation reflects my deep commitment to community service. As a retired member of the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, I pursued an MBA that equipped me for leadership roles, leading to my election as Commissioner at the Port of Olympia in 2021.

Throughout my career, I have always prioritized the needs of working families, economic development, environmental restoration, and salmon recovery. My tenure at the Port of Olympia showcased my ability to navigate complex issues and represent my constituents effectively. My leadership is grounded in a deep understanding of Thurston County's challenges and opportunities. My dedication to public service and community welfare drives my campaign for the State Senate. With a focus on advocating for marginalized voices and fostering inclusive growth, I aim to build a brighter future for all Washingtonians.

As a native son of Thurston County and an elder of the Nisqually Indian Tribe, I bring a unique perspective and unwavering commitment to the table. I am poised to be a formidable advocate for positive change in the Washington State Senate.

I look forward to meeting you on the campaign trail and receiving your vote.